Reinforcement and extension activities: 9th-23rd June

Reinforcement activities

We have prepared revision worksheets for every unit; they are already uploaded on aula virtual educamadrid. Each of you is going to get an email with instructions and the schedule for online classes. Any doubt, contact me by email.

Extension activities

Click here and you will have access to 33 ereaders; choose the ones you want from the advanced level. You  will get an email with instructions and the activation code.

Feel free all of you to send me compositions and evau tests ; you can either click here or here to find previous exams .

Tuesday, 19th May
This week you are going to rephrase pages 8 &9 Compartives and superlatives section, mixed section. and you will do the evau text  I, Robot  You will send sentences and /or text along the week , Deadline: Friday,22nd May

Tuesday, 12th May

This week you are going to rephrase page 9, mixed section. and you will do the evau text The world's busiest beach. You will send sentences and /or text along the week , Deadline: Friday,15th May

Tuesday, 5th May

Here  you can see how the next format of the evau text is going to be; see the instructions section as that is the new part, because, as you can see, the type of questions is the same as before the corona virus outbreak.

Here you have the schedule for this week. Do all the activities in your  notebooks. and I will not admit answers that are nor written by hand.

Tuesday, 5th May: rephrasing exercises, page 5 section conditional clauses If> unless  (12 sentences in total)

Wednesday, 6th May:  click on the evau text The kingdom of women

Thursday, 7th May: page 7 SO- SUCH  section (10 sentences) TOO- ENOUGH section (7 sentences)

Friday,  8th may: page 8 MODALES PERFECTOS (sentences 1- 8) MODALES SIMPLES (sentences 1-8)

Tuesday, 21th April

Here you have the schedule for this week. Do all the activities in your  notebooks. and I will not admit answers that are nor written by hand.

Tuesday, 21st April: Rephrase page 3  section relative clauses, commas and finish it

Wednesday, 22nd April. Evau text .Scotland's first dog café (evau ingles adicional 2017/2018) convocatoria extraordinaria.
Click here 

Thursday, 23th April: Rephrase page 4 (I wish- present) .

Friday 24th AprilRephrase  page 2,  From the sentence "Although he has an English name ",... till the end. 

Send me a picture in a pdf format either day by day or on Friday , and when you send it, I will attach answers.

Tuesday, 14th April

Here you have the schedule for this week. Do all the activities in your  notebooks.

Tuesday, 14th April: Rephrase page 1 (Active-passive) the ssentences 1-15 and page 3 (relative clauses) till sentence 10.

Wednesday, 15th April. Evau text Homes of the future.

Thursday, 16th April: Rephrase page 1 (active-passive) the sections prepositional verbs (verbos preposicionales) and pasive -active (pasiva-activa) and page 2 (connectors) sentences 1-10.

Friday 17th April. Finish page 1. continue with page 2,  sentences 11-20. Send me a picture in a pdf format, and when you send it, I will attach answers.

Monday, 30th March

Here you have the schedule for this week.

Tuesday, 31st March:  Student's book, pages 54 and 55: read the text and do exercises 1,2 4 &5
Wednesday 1st April: student's book , page 56, exercises 1,2,3 and 4- page 57, exercises 5,6 and 7
Thursday, 2nd April: student's book, page 58 plus a listening activity. Click here to get the worksheet and  here to listen to the track.   

I will upload the answers to the exercises on Thursday; you will have to send me pictures of them corrected by Friday 3rd.

Tuesday. 17th March 

Hi guys! I hope you all are fine.

Today you are going to do the task that is posted on the main page. Write your  comments at the botom of the activity on the box provided. remenber you will be given extra credits if you post a comment.   Due date for posting your comments is Wednesday 18th. If you have any doubt, write me an email.

Have a nice day

Monday, 16 March

Let's work with relative clauses-

Defining or non defining?

Travel vocabulary

Watch  a lesson about basic travel vocabulary

And now, have a go and try these exercises; when you have done any of them, let me know and and I will give you the answer key.

Verbal tenses

To review verbal tenses, click here, but remember, be honest, as the answers are at the end of the exercise.

For and against essay.

Try this link to review the structure of for and against essays.

Opinion essay.

And try this one to review opinion essays.

Modal verbs.

  1. You (may/must) eat three nutritious meals a day if you want to be healthy.
  2. We in France this summer. (Would/ could) we spend a few days with you?
  3. You (shouldn´t/should) be respectful of the elderly.
  4. If you want to have dinner at the restaurant, you (are ableto/ ought to) book a table in advance.
  5. In order to be accepted to university, you (might/have to) have good marks in your exams.
Should/ought to/ must/ can/ might/ musn´t/ may
The computer is a wonderful invention, however you __________ use it carefully. In order to avoid losing documents, you __________ always save everthing you type. In addition, you ___________ print out a copy of all important documents. One of the greatest fears of computer users is a virus. There are certain dates on which you ________ turn on your computer for fear of infection. Your computer ________ get a virus if you insert used diskettes, so you __________ try to avoid doing so. Moreover, you _______ want to buy an anti-virus program.
1. We could have bought the house for less money.
a. We really should.                                   B. It is a pitty we didn´t
2. I advised him to spend more time on his studies. Now he is sorry he didn´t listen.
a. He should study more.                                 B. He should have studied more.
3. David would have booked you a ticket.
a. Why didn´t you ask him to?                       B. Why don´t you ask him to?
4. I am an only child. I am sorry my parents had no more children.
a. My parents should have had more children.       B. My parents must have had more children
5. He didn´t come to our meeting yesterday.
a. He must have had another meeting    b. He must have another meeting

1.Drinking alcohol while you drive is prohibited by law.
2. Perhaps i will go to the cinema.
3.I am not able to get up early in the morning.
4.I suggest you sleep at least seven hours the night before a big exam
5.It is a pitty we didn´t spend our last holiday in the country.
6.I don´t think I told you all the news.
7.It was wrong of the manager to employ 13 year old children
The manager...
8.He is late for work again. He probably woke up late.
If you need further practice, try these links:

Conditional Sentences

Here you have sevaral links to practice conditional sentences:

Zero, First and Second conditionals

Exercise 1

Third Conditionals

Conditional sentences Game

And now watch some second conditional examples from The Big Bang Theory  and have fun

Reported Speech

Do you need further practice? Have a go and click here

Verb Patterns

Here you have several links for you to practice verbs followed by -ing, to+infinitive or  the bare infinitive.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3

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Annabel Lee