martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

Non -governmental Organizations

Non- governmental organizations are organizations that are independent of any government. They are usually non-profit and most of them are active in humanitarian or social areas. Take a look at one of these N.G.Os. Then post a comment explaining which one you chose  which article you read and what the article was about. You will be given extra credits in the writing section.

Amnesty International


Doctors without Frontiers






Ocuppy Wall Street

Occupy London

11 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen the Unicef NGO. I have entered in an article on the impact of the war in Syria on children. This article talks about how violence, the displacement of people, the separation of families and the lack of access to basic services has created a great psychological impact on children. In addition serious violations of the rights of the child take place, such as the recruitment of children to fight in war, kidnappings, murders and mutilations. Unicef tries to educate children and help them recover from the trauma of war to help them regain their childhood.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I have choosen UNICEF, becouse it is the one I have heard the most about and I´ve never read any of his articles. I read about the COVID-19, becouse it is the most frequently discussed topic actually, since there is a pandemic in our country. The article talks about how we should protect ourselves from the virus and the measures we have to take. Also it talks about fake information and how should we act before. Saying that is very important to be well documented on the subject to know what type of information pay attention to.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. The non-guvernmental organization I have choose is greenpeace, this association is about things related with the environment and the problems of the society. The article I have read is about how is impacting the global heating in the world. The fire and the rains are uncontrolled, this is causing many disorders in the nature. For example, the article says that, in 2017 have had much more fires that had burned a lot of forests and grasslands. In addition then have had so uncontrolled rains. All of that is caused by the global heating. in conclusion, this article was about how we are destroying our planet, and Greenpeace wants to show the population what problems we should solve.

  6. I have decided the NGO called Doctors without Frontiers. This article is about saving people’s lives in conflict zones, natural disasters and epidemics. The fundraise, they spend on medical projects to get cures and resources. It talks about how voluntary people help the population with medical aid neutrally and impartially. Doctors Without Frontiers can also help with kits to cure, blood transfusions and serum to rehydrate people. The care provided by the NGO tries to cover the most urgent needs, both at different levels of medical care. Finally, this NGO is also dedicated to pediatric, sexual and reproductive health, in addition to surgery, vaccines and sanitation.

  7. I am agree governments should band together to counter Beijing’s attacks and to impose sanctions for human rights violations.
    We can not trust a nation that practices abuses, imprisonment and torture. we cannot accept that in the 21st century this continues to happen in a country, The Human Rights were a great achievement.

    Victoria Calicchio B2B

  8. He chose the UNICEF article on the Syrian crisis and how it affects children.
    It talks about how this great war leaves great psychological damage to children, and serious accidents, injuries to children's rights: recruitment, kidnappings, murders and mutilations.
    UNICEF helps them, such as improving access to education and psychosocial support services to help children and caregivers recover from trauma, as well as It continues to provide assistance that includes hygiene kits, drinking water, warm clothing for the winter, and detection and treatment of malnutrition. And Provides vaccines, especially for children who have lost them.
    Valeria Pereira B2B

  9. I have chosen the ONG Doctors Without Frontiers because I have been reading about them. One news has caught my attention, the article is about ebola in Congo. And a person gives her own testimony about this problem. She talks that the real problems the congolese people is the situation of the country: poverty, violence, other disease (malaria),famine...Therefore, she demand ONG more attention to this kind of problems. Thanks to her argumentation Doctors Without Frontiers adapted their programs to the real situation.

  10. The NGO I have chosen is Greenpeace because I have read about them and I think they are a really importan asociation nowadays. I read the article of "climate change extinctions and ecosystem damage". In this article they tell us about the real problem of climate change that most of us are ignoring. It talks about how the species are trying to adapt to the new characteristics of their ecosystem, and that most of them are desapearing because the changing is faster tan their adatative capacity, so we are living a masive extinction including marine life, because of the masive tons of carbón dioxide that it´s making the oceans acid. To avoid the climate catasrophe, Greenpeace is driving an urgent shift away from the polluting energy sources that are destroying the lands and oceans. Also they are calling for a global network of ocean sanctuaries. They need our help by supporting their cause, because it´s a problem that affects the entire world


Annabel Lee