
Reinforcement and extension activities: 9th-17th June

Reinforcement activities

We have prepared revision worksheets for every unit; they are already uploaded on aula virtual educamadrid. Each of you is going to get an email with instructions and the schedule for online classes. Any doubt, contact me by email.

Extension activities

Click here and you will have access to 33 ereaders; choose the ones you want from the intermediate or advanced levels. Your families will get an email with instructions and the activation code.

Schedule 25th-29nd May

Play this revision Kahoot  Game PIN: 01411640
Send me a picture of your score and you are done for this week.

Schedule 19th-22nd May

Play this kahoot pin 02483719 and take a picture of your score and send them to me. Do the revison worksheets that are uploaded on aula virtual educamadrid and email them .

This kahoot Game PIN: 0884748 is a different one, based on the vocabulary of units 4 &5

Schedule for 11th-19th May

You are going to read Chapter 6 of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. The new vocabulary list and the questionnaire are on aula virtual educamadrid . I have included two more activities related to this chapter: a video activity and an activity about the Cabins in Camp Half Blood. You will find them on aula virtual educamadrid.

Deadline: Tuesday, 19th May

Schedule for 4th-8th May

Monday,4th May: Today you have to send me your videos and Questionnaire 5 from Percy Jackson and the Lightning thief. If you have already done it, then your are free today.

Tuesday, 5th MayDo the following activities in your notebooks. Once you have finished them, take a photo and send it to my email address:
  • Student's book, page 91, exercises 3,  4a and 5 a. If you have any doubt about modal verbsabd /or the second type of conditional sentences , please check the grammar appendix at the end of the unit or ask me about it.  
Wednesday, 6th MayDo the following activities in your workbooks. Once you have finished them, take a photo and send it to my email address:
  • Workbook, page 60, exerciss 1,2 3, 4, 5 and  6. 

Thursday, 7th May: Do the following activities in your workbooks. Once you have finished them, take a photo and send it to my email address:
  • Workbook, page 62, exerciss 1,2 3, 4 and 5. 
Friday, 8th May: Do the following activities in your workbooks. Once you have finished them, take a photo and send it to my email address:
  • Workbook, page 61. Exercises 1,2,3 and 4. You will find the tracks for the listening exercises on aula virtual educamadrid. Go to Página web del instituto-- Aula virtual educamadrid-- departamento de Inglés-- Ana Mª García Fernández-- 1C-- 7 Job hunting.-- 

Schedule for 27th-30th April

This week you are going to have two different activities to do:
  1. You are going to read chapter 5 of our reader, Percy Jackson and Lightning thief. You have the vocabulary and que questionnaire on aula virtual educamadrid, although I am going to send it by email to you and your families.
  2. Página web del instituto-- Aula virtual educamadrid-- departamento de Inglés-- Ana Mª García Fernández-- 1C--  My Quarantine: you are going to watch a video recorded by Roz (our language assistant) and you will have to do an activity related to it.

Questionnaire and video deadlines are Monday 4th May.

Schedule for 20th-24th April

Monday, 20th April: Do the following activities in your notebooks. Once you have finished them, take a photo and send it to my email address:

  • Student's book, page 88 and 89, exercises 2 and 3
Tuesday, 21st AprilDo the following activities in your notebooks. Once you have finished them, take a photo and send it to my email address:
  • Student's book, page 89, exercise 6. Although the exercise says you have to do it in a small group, you are going to answer the questions  individually in your notebook.
Wednesday, 22nd April Do the following activities in your notebooks. Once you have finished them, take a photo and send it to my email address:
  • Página web del instituto-- Aula virtual educamadrid-- departamento de Inglés-- Ana Mª García Fernández-- 1C-- 7 Job hunting.-- Life skills. Watch the video and do exercises 1, 2a and 2b and 3a and 3b from the life skills worksheet in your notebook.
Thursday 23rd April: Do the following activities in your notebooks. Once you have finished them, take a photo and send it to my email address:
  • Página web del instituto-- Aula virtual educamadrid-- departamento de Inglés-- Ana Mª García Fernández-- 1C-- 7 Job hunting.-- Life skills. Watch the video and do exercises 4a and 4b  from the life skills worksheet in your notebook.
  • Página web del instituto-- Aula virtual educamadrid-- departamento de Inglés-- Ana Mª García Fernández-- 1C-- 7 Job hunting.-- Listening page 90. Do exercise 2 and 3.
Friday, 24th April: Do the following activities in your notebooks. Once you have finished them, take a photo and send it to my email address:
  • Página web del instituto-- Aula virtual educamadrid-- departamento de Inglés-- Ana Mª García Fernández-- 1C-- 7 Job hunting.-- Second conditional.  Watch the video and then go to page 94 in your student's book and read the grammar section; then go to page 90 and do exercise 2 from the Grammar in context section  in your notebook.

Schedule for 14th-17th April

Tuesday, 14th April: Do the following activities in your notebooks. Once you have finished them, take a photo and send it to my email address:
  • Student's book, page 84, exercises 1, 3a, 4 and 5
  • Workbook, page 58, exercises 1,2,3 and 4
Wednesday, 15th April:  Do the following activities in your notebooks. Once you have finished them, take a photo and send it to my email address:
  • Página web del instituto-- Aula virtual educamadrid-- departamento de Inglés-- Ana Mª García Fernández-- 1C-- 7 Job hunting.-- Vocabulary extension. Do the vocabulaty activities and the listening activity (in your notebook).
  • Student's book, page 85, exercises 1,2,4 and 5 (in your notebook).
Thursday, 16th April:  Do the following activities in your notebooks. Once you have finished them, take a photo and send it to my email address:
  • Página web del instituto---Aula virtual educamadrid-- departamento de Inglés-- Ana Mª García Fernández-- 1C-- 7 Job hunting.-- Modales-- watch the video about modal verbs and do the exercises in your notebook; copy the answer, not the whole sentence or take a screen shot and send it to me via email.
Friday, 17th April:  Do the following activities . Once you have finished them, take a photo and send it to my email address:
  • Student's book, page 86, exercises 1a,1b,1c, 3, 4 5 6a (four sentences for every picture) in our notebook.
  • Workbook, page 59

Here you have the schedule for this week:

Monday, 30th March

Watch this video about the zero and first conditional. Then check page 80 in your student's book and have a look at the grammar reference  section.

Now, go to page 76 and do exercises 2 and 3 and on page 77, exercises 4a, 4b, 5 and 6 in your notebooks.

 Tuesday, 31st March

Workbook, page 52

Wednesday,1st April

Do the following listening activities and write the answers in your notebook.

Thursday 26th March

And Now, do the QUIZ to find out what your ecological footprint is. 
Then in your notebook write 5 things we all could do to reduce our footprint. Once you have done it, send me a picture with your top 5 activities.

Tuesday 24th March
Watch the video and explain in your own words what Aero farm does.

Wednesday, 18th March

After doing the activities on the main page about St. Patrick Day, have a look at this link and write in your notebook  a fact you consider interesting. Send me a picture via email with: the answers to the quiz, the answers to the questions and the interesting fact you found. Due date 19th March. And remmeber, continue reading  Percy Jackson and the lightning thief.

Have  a nice day.

Tuesday, 17th March

Hi guys! I hope you all are fine.

I guess all your families have received an email with the vocabulary list of Chapter 4 of Percy Jackson and the lightning thief. If you haven't received it, let me know via email and I will send it to you .

Today you are going to do the task that is posted on the main page. Write your  comments at the botom of the activity on the box provided. Remember you will be given extra credits if you post a comment.   Due date for posting your comments is Wednesday 18th. If you have any doubt, write me an email.

Have a nice day

Monday, 16th March.

Percy Jackson:

As all of you have already finished reading chapter  3, please answer these questions and send me an email with your answers. Due date: Tuesday, 17th of March
Chapter 3
Grover Unexpectedly Loses His Pants
  1. Why does Percy leave Grover at the bus station? What would you have done in his place?
  2. Percy says “the best people get the rottenest luck.” How does this apply to his mom?
  3. Describe Gabe.
  4. Why doesn’t Percy tell his mom the truth about Mrs. Dodds and the ladies at the fruit stand?
  5. How does Percy get even with Gabe as they’re loading up the Camaro?
  6. Why is Montauk special to Percy’s mom?
  7. Why does Percy’s mom eat blue food, and why does Percy love this about her?
  8. What knew information does Percy learn about his dad as he and his mother are roasting marshmallows?
  9. Describe Percy’s dream. What do you think it means?
  10. How does the title of the chapter, “Grover Unexpectedly Loses His Pants,” come true?

15th October

Crime and law

Click here to practise some vocabulary about crime and law. And  this link is very useful  to practice law and order. Anf have a go with this wordsearch to have some fun.

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  2. After doing the activities on the main page about St. Patrick Day, have a look at this link and write in your notebook a fact you consider interesting. Send me a picture via email with:
    which of the following is correct about email transmission and storage


Annabel Lee